This page will help you to purchase the pro version plugin.

Steps To Purchase

  1. Visit Pricing page.
  2. Select an appropriate plan by clicking on Subscribe button. You will be redirected on the checkout page.
  3. Fill the form.
  4. Click on the Sign Up and Pay Now button. You will be redirected on PayPal.
  5. Proceed on PayPal with the instructions provided there.
  6. If you agree for payment, PayPal will redirect you on the Success Payment page of our website. You will get the order details on your inbox (or spam) of the registered email address. You will get the plugin download link in that mail. The download link gets expired in 24 hours.
  7. If you cancel the payment, PayPal will redirect you on the Cancel Payment page of our website.
  8. Now you can visit My Account page.
  9. Once you are done with payment, make sure to Logout.

You might want to checkout the Installation Guide page.

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